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Resources for
Planning & Communication
Here, we have gathered information and resources intended to facilitate your workflow. You can easily access a comprehensive guide by downloading our overview guide
The tool provides instructional videos, teacher guides, and planning support for a smooth start.
Tailored materials for student health staff are available as a basis for discussions and a scientific report based on the tool's module themes.
Materials for Guardians
Information, presentations, and videos facilitate the school's communication with guardians.
Resources for Varied Audiences
Information for School Staff
Short Informative Videos for Guardians
Short Videos for Each Module. These videos are designed to complement the themes students are working on, providing parents with inspiration on how to offer support from home. The page also includes additional materials and references for those seeking more in-depth information.
Integrating the Tool into
Different School Subjects
The material aligns with Sweden's national curriculum, connecting to the core content of several subjects. This makes the modules highly effective for integration into subject teaching. In the guide below, you can explore which module aligns best with each subject, ensuring a seamless incorporation into your teaching plans.
Get Your School Started
To get a school or grade level started with the material, we recommend watching our three short startup videos. The program is designed for the video modules to be used during mentorship sessions at school, where the educator/tutor facilitates discussions and exercises in the classroom. Short informational videos are available for tutors as preparation. Student health services, which have in-depth knowledge of the topics covered in the material, and educators/tutors who will lead classroom discussions, play key roles in implementing the program. Since these are relative complex issues that need to be worked on continuously, it is important to think and plan for the long term in terms of the program's implementation, even though the modules can also be used to inspire on individual occasions.
Do the questions align with any specific subject based on the core content of the curriculum?
The Modules The Healthy Mind Platter and Shape your Brain can be well connected to the core content within Physical Education and Health as well as Biology (Swedish Curriculum: LGR 22: Health and Lifestyle and Body and Health; GY11: Biology 2, Organism Function, Psychology 1, 2a, and 2b).
Take Control of Your Attention also fits well into Psychology at the high school level. The module Perform Without Anxiety also aligns with the core content for Physical Education and Health (LGR 22) regarding "Tension Regulation and Mental Training. The Modules Shape your Brain and Social Media and Gaming also contain elements from Social Studies (LGR 22: Social Studies Information and Communication, GY11: Social Studies 1a1, 1a2). If you are a teacher and would like to contribute lesson plans related to these topics, please email us at info@detsynsinte.se
Take Control of Your Attention also fits well into Psychology at the high school level. The module Perform Without Anxiety also aligns with the core content for Physical Education and Health (LGR 22) regarding "Tension Regulation and Mental Training. The Modules Shape your Brain and Social Media and Gaming also contain elements from Social Studies (LGR 22: Social Studies Information and Communication, GY11: Social Studies 1a1, 1a2). If you are a teacher and would like to contribute lesson plans related to these topics, please email us at info@detsynsinte.se
What ages is the material suitable for?
The material is tailored for secondary and upper secondary schools, targeting students aged 11–20+. However, the selection of modules should be guided by the tutor's or educator's professional judgment, taking into account the class's specific needs and maturity level. Modules such as Take Control of Your Attention, Perform Without Anxiety, and The Healthy Mind Platter are suitable for all age groups, while Shape Your Brain and Social Media and Gaming are more advanced and may be better suited for older or more mature students.
Is it possible to use the material for a theme day?
It works very well as building blocks during a theme day, where discussions can be developed and explored from different roles and responsibilities. However, we recommend that schools work with the learning tool repetitively and systematically throughout the school year for the best results. The modules can also be used effectively during parent meetings to involve parents in these matters that concern the overall well-being of the student and their learning conditions.
Do the modules provide material for multiple occasions?
Each module is designed with material for approximately 3-4 sessions. The first lesson in each module fits into a mentor session of about 45-60 minutes, and the following sessions can be conducted in shorter durations if desired. These include videos with reviews and additional explanations, as well as supplementary materials and exercises. Remember that the learning tool is flexible and can be customized based on your own needs as an educator/tutor/student health professional.
Is there material aimed at parents or guardians?
Yes, each module includes short video clips of approximately 5 minutes aimed at key adults, providing guidance on how they can support the youth from home. These videos are available as a link that the school can distribute or upload to a digital school platform for guardians to access. They are also well-suited for use at parent meetings to spark engagement in establishing shared guidelines, such as bedtime routines or digital balance at home.
Is there research connected to the program?
The material is based on scientific research and facts and has been developed in collaboration with researchers at the Karolinska Institute, Sweden. It has also been reviewed by psychologists and counselors and comprehensively evaluated by students from six middle schools who have implemented the program together with their mentors and student health teams. Research is also being conducted in collaboration with the Karolinska Institute to assess the program's intervention and its effectiveness. You can find our reports under the section "Science".