Perform a research-driven evaluation of students' well-being, digital media consumption, and lifestyle patterns. Participate in our survey with your students and receive a comprehensive report with expert analysis.
Here's how it works
Anonymous survey
Change over time
In addition to the implementation of the learning tool Brain & Emotions, whose main purpose is to impart knowledge about well-being and digital media usage to students, the assessment serves as a significant complementary effort within the educational program.
The impact on behavior and well-being (through the application of strategies and lifestyle changes) is strongly linked to the ongoing collaboration between home, school, and the student, and is expected to evolve over time. Group-level behavior change relies on the establishment of new norms and the implementation of structural changes, which in turn gradually influence a group's behavioral patterns. The assessment serves as a valuable tool to facilitate this work
The impact on behavior and well-being (through the application of strategies and lifestyle changes) is strongly linked to the ongoing collaboration between home, school, and the student, and is expected to evolve over time. Group-level behavior change relies on the establishment of new norms and the implementation of structural changes, which in turn gradually influence a group's behavioral patterns. The assessment serves as a valuable tool to facilitate this work